
Texas Register Preamble

The Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council proposes new §801.305, relating to Schedule of Sanctions.

Overview and Explanation of the Proposed Rule. This new rule has been proposed to replace the current schedule of sanctions and make it easier to use. The format of this new schedule of sanctions will more closely resemble the format used by the other behavioral health boards. There are a few substantive changes being proposed to the schedule currently in effect. Rules that are currently split between an extended and moderate suspension are proposed to be a Level 2 suspension which aligns with the proposed changes to §801.302, which combines the two suspension levels into one, see §§801.44(t) and (v), 801.47, and 801.57(e). Additionally, typographical errors are being corrected with this proposed change and the sanction for 801.47 is now split into subsections (a) and (b) which are a suspension and revocation respectively. And §801.44(s) - (v) have been updated to correspond more accurately to the correct rule and sanction. Lastly, in the April 22, 2022, edition of the Texas Register, §801.143(h) - (l) were proposed to be amended so corresponding amendments have been made to match those previously proposed changes.

Fiscal Note. Darrel D. Spinks, Executive Director of the Executive Council, has determined that for the first five-year period the proposed rule is in effect, there will be no additional estimated cost, reduction in costs, or loss or increase in revenue to the state or local governments as a result of enforcing or administering the rule. Additionally, Mr. Spinks has determined that enforcing or administering the rule does not have foreseeable implications relating to the costs or revenues of state or local government.

Public Benefit. Mr. Spinks has determined for the first five-year period the proposed rule is in effect there will be a benefit to licensees, applicants, and the general public because the proposed rule will provide greater clarity and consistency in the Executive Council's rules. Mr. Spinks has also determined that for each year of the first five years the rule is in effect, the public benefit anticipated as a result of enforcing the rule will be to help the Executive Council protect the public.

Probable Economic Costs. Mr. Spinks has determined for the first five-year period the proposed rule is in effect, there will be no additional economic costs to persons required to comply with this rule.

Small Business, Micro-Business, and Rural Community Impact Statement. Mr. Spinks has determined for the first five-year period the proposed rule is in effect, there will be no adverse effect on small businesses, micro-businesses, or rural communities.

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis for Small and Micro-Businesses and Rural Communities. Mr. Spinks has determined that the proposed rule will have no adverse economic effect on small businesses, micro-businesses, or rural communities. Thus, the Executive Council is not required to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis pursuant to §2006.002 of the Tex. Gov't Code.

Local Employment Impact Statement. Mr. Spinks has determined that the proposed rule will have no impact on local employment or a local economy. Thus, the Executive Council is not required to prepare a local employment impact statement pursuant to §2001.022 of the Tex. Gov't Code.

Requirement for Rules Increasing Costs to Regulated Persons. The proposed rule does not impose any new or additional costs to regulated persons, state agencies, special districts, or local governments; therefore, pursuant to §2001.0045 of the Tex. Gov't Code, no repeal or amendment of another rule is required to offset any increased costs. Additionally, no repeal or amendment of another rule is required because the proposed rule is necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of this state and because regulatory costs imposed by the Executive Council on licensees is not expected to increase.

Government Growth Impact Statement. For the first five-year period the proposed rule is in effect, the Executive Council estimates that the proposed rule will have no effect on government growth. The proposed rule does not create or eliminate a government program; it does not require the creation or elimination of employee positions; it does not require the increase or decrease in future legislative appropriations to this agency; it does not require an increase or decrease in fees paid to the agency; it does not create a new regulation; it does not expand an existing regulation; it does not increase or decrease the number of individuals subject to the rule's applicability; and it does not positively or adversely affect the state's economy.

Takings Impact Assessment. Mr. Spinks has determined that there are no private real property interests affected by the proposed rule. Thus, the Executive Council is not required to prepare a takings impact assessment pursuant to §2007.043 of the Tex. Gov't Code.

Request for Public Comments. Comments on the proposed rule may be submitted to Brenda Skiff, Executive Assistant, Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council, 1801 Congress Ave., Ste. 7-300, Austin, Texas 78701, or by email to rules@bhec.texas.gov. The deadline for receipt of comments is 5:00 p.m., Central Time, on September 4, 2022, which is at least 30 days from the date of publication in the Texas Register.

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