
Texas Register Preamble

The Comptroller of Public Accounts proposes the repeal of §9.4251, concerning definitions; §9.4252, concerning request for arbitration; §9.4253, concerning agent representation in arbitration; §9.4254, concerning appraisal district responsibility for request; §9.4255, concerning comptroller processing of request, online arbitration system, and 45 calendar-day settlement period; §9.4256, concerning comptroller appointment of arbitrators; §9.4257, concerning application for inclusion in comptroller's registry of arbitrators; §9.4258, concerning qualifications for inclusion in the comptroller's registry of arbitrators; §9.4259, concerning arbitrator eligibility for a particular appointment; §9.4260, concerning arbitrator duties; §9.4261, concerning provision of arbitration services; §9.4262, concerning removal of arbitrator from the registry of arbitrators; §9.4263, concerning arbitration determination and award; §9.4264, concerning payment of arbitrator fee, refund of property owner deposit, and correction of appraisal roll; §9.4265, concerning prohibited communications regarding pending arbitration; and §9.4266, concerning forms. The legislation enacted within the last four years that provides the statutory authority for the repeals is House Bill 988, 87th Legislature, R.S., 2021; Senate Bill 1854, 87th Legislature, R.S., 2021; House Bill 4101, 88th Legislature, R.S., 2023; and Senate Bill 2355, 88th Legislature, R.S., 2023.

The comptroller proposes to repeal all sections included in Subchapter K (Arbitration of Appraisal Review Board Determinations). New sections concerning arbitration of appraisal review board determinations will be proposed in a separate rulemaking to add rules concerning limited binding arbitration and to update the current rules concerning regular binding arbitration and the comptroller's registry of arbitrators.

Tetyana Melnyk, Director of Revenue Estimating Division, has determined that during the first five years that the proposed rules repeal is in effect, the repeal: will not create or eliminate a government program; will not require the creation or elimination of employee positions; will not require an increase or decrease in future legislative appropriations to the agency; will not require an increase or decrease in fees paid to the agency; will not increase or decrease the number of individuals subject to the rules' applicability; and will not positively or adversely affect this state's economy.

Ms. Melnyk also has determined that the proposed rules repeal would have no significant fiscal impact on the state government, units of local government, or individuals. The proposed rules repeal would benefit the public by conforming the rules to current statute and improving the clarity and implementation of the section. There would be no significant anticipated economic cost to the public. The proposed rules repeal would have no significant fiscal impact on small businesses or rural communities.

You may submit comments on the proposal to Shannon Murphy, Director, Property Tax Assistance Division, P.O. Box 13528 Austin, Texas 78711 or to the email address: ptad.rulecomments@cpa.texas.gov. The comptroller must receive your comments no later than 30 days from the date of publication of the proposal in the Texas Register .

The repeals are proposed under Tax Code, §41A.13, which authorizes the comptroller to adopt rules necessary to implement and administer Tax Code, Chapter 41A, concerning appeal through binding arbitration.

The repeals implement Tax Code, Chapter 41A.

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