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AGENCY Texas Department of Transportation
ISSUE 07/12/2019
ACTION Miscellaneous

Aviation Division - Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Professional Services

The City of Bryan, through its agent, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), intends to engage a qualified firm for professional services. This solicitation is subject to 49 U.S.C. §47107(a)(17) and will be administered in the same manner as a solicitation conducted under Chapter 2254, Subchapter A, of the Texas Government Code. TxDOT Aviation Division will solicit and receive qualification statements for professional services as described below:

Airport Sponsor: City of Bryan Coulter Field, TxDOT CSJ No. 1917BRYAN.

The TxDOT Project Manager is Elaine Alvarado.

Scope: Prepare an airport layout plan update and narrative.

The Agent, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. §§2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all respondents that it will affirmatively ensure that for any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit in response to this solicitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.

The proposed contract is subject to 49 CFR Part 26 concerning the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE).

The DBE goal is set at 0%.

To assist in your qualification statement preparation, the criteria and most recent Airport Layout Plan are available online at http://www.dot.state.tx.us/avn/avninfo/notice/consult/index.htm by selecting "Coulter Field."

AVN-551 Preparation Instructions:

Interested firms shall utilize the latest version of Form AVN-551, titled "Qualifications for Aviation Planning Services." The form may be requested from TxDOT, Aviation Division, 125 E. 11th Street, Austin, Texas 78701-2483, phone number, (800) 68-PILOT (74568). The form may be emailed by request or downloaded from the TxDOT website at http://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/division/aviation/projects.html. The form may not be altered in any way. Firms must carefully follow the instructions provided on each page of the form. Qualifications shall not exceed the number of pages in the AVN-551 template. The AVN-551 consists of eight pages of data plus one optional illustration page. A prime provider may only submit one AVN-551. If a prime provider submits more than one AVN-551, or submits a cover letter with the AVN-551, that provider will be disqualified. Responses to this solicitation WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN ANY OTHER FORMAT.

ATTENTION: To ensure utilization of the latest version of Form AVN-551, firms are encouraged to download Form AVN-551 from the TxDOT website as addressed above. Utilization of Form AVN-551 from a previous download may not be the exact same format. Form AVN-551 is a PDF Template.

The completed Form AVN-551 must be received in the TxDOT Aviation eGrants system no later than August 7, 2019, 11:59 p.m. (CDST). Electronic facsimiles or forms sent by email or regular/overnight mail will not be accepted.

Firms that wish to submit a response to this solicitation must be a user in the TxDOT Aviation eGrants system no later than one business day before the solicitation due date. To request access to eGrants, please complete the Contact Us web form located at http://txdot.gov/government/funding/egrants-2016/aviation.html.

Instructions on how to respond to a solicitation in eGrants are available at http://txdot.gov/government/funding/egrants-2016/aviation.html.

Step by step instructions on how to respond to a solicitation in eGrants will also be posted in the RFQ packet at http://www.dot.state.tx.us/avn/avninfo/notice/consult/index.htm.

The consultant selection committee will be composed of one representative from the city and Aviation Division staff. The final selection by the committee will generally be made following the completion of review of AVN-551s. The committee will review all AVN-551s and rate and rank each. The evaluation criteria for airport planning projects can be found at http://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/division/aviation/projects.html under Information for Consultants. All firms will be notified and the top rated firm will be contacted to begin fee negotiations. The selection committee does, however, reserve the right to conduct interviews for the top rated firms if the committee deems it necessary. If interviews are conducted, selection will be made following interviews.

Please contact TxDOT Aviation for any technical or procedural questions at (800) 68-PILOT (74568). For procedural questions, please contact Bobby Hidrogo, Grant Manager. For technical questions please contact Elaine Alvarado, Project Manager.

For questions regarding responding to this solicitation in eGrants, please contact the TxDOT Aviation help desk at (800) 687-4568 or avn-egrantshelp@txdot.gov.


Joanne Wright

Deputy General Counsel

Texas Department of Transportation

Filed: June 27, 2019

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