Texas Register

RULE §114.5Coronal Polishing
ISSUE 05/17/2024
ACTION Final/Adopted
Preamble Texas Admin Code Rule

(a)"Coronal polishing" means the removal of plaque and extrinsic stain from exposed natural and restored tooth surfaces using an appropriate rotary instrument with rubber cup or brush and polishing agent. This includes the use of a toothbrush.

(b)A Texas-licensed dentist may delegate coronal polishing to a dental assistant, if the dental assistant:

   (1)works under the direct supervision of the licensed dentist; and

  (2)meets the education requirements in subsection (c) of this section.

(c)To perform coronal polishing, a dental assistant must have either:

  (1)graduated from a dental assisting program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association (CODA) that includes specific didactic course work and clinical training in coronal polishing; or

  (2)completed a minimum of eight (8) hours of clinical and didactic education in coronal polishing taken through a dental school, dental hygiene school, or dental assisting program accredited by CODA. A dental assistant must have at least one-year experience as a dental assistant before applying to a CODA program to obtain coronal polishing education. The education must include courses on:

    (A)oral anatomy and tooth morphology relating to retention of plaque and stain;

    (B)indications, contraindications, and complications of coronal polishing;

    (C)principles of coronal polishing, including armamentarium, operator and patient positioning, technique, and polishing agents;

    (D)infection control procedures;

    (E)polishing coronal surfaces of teeth; and

    (F)jurisprudence relating to coronal polishing.

(d)The delegated duty of polishing by a dental assistant may not be billed as a prophylaxis.

(e)Coronal polishing must be in accordance with the minimum standard of care and limited to the dental assistant's scope of practice.

(f)The dental assistant must comply with the Dental Practice Act and Board Rules in the act of coronal polishing. Pursuant to §258.003 of the Dental Practice Act, the delegating dentist is responsible for all dental acts delegated to a dental assistant, including coronal polishing.

The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the adoption and found it to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on May 3, 2024


Lauren Studdard

General Counsel

State Board of Dental Examiners

Effective date: May 23, 2024

Proposal publication date: March 22, 2024

For further information, please call: (512) 305-8910

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