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RULE §289.227Use of Radiation Machines in the Healing Arts

  (5) Corrections or repairs of the light leaks or other deficiencies in paragraphs (2) - (4) of this subsection shall be initiated within 72 hours of discovery and completed no longer than 15 days from detection of the deficiency unless a longer time is authorized by the agency. The registrant shall make a record of the correction or repairs to include the date and initials of the individual performing these functions. The records shall be maintained in accordance with subsection (s)(1) of this section for inspection by the agency.

  (6) Documentation of the items in paragraphs (2), (3), and (5) of this subsection shall include the date and initials of the individual completing these items. The registrant shall maintain these records at the site where performed in accordance with subsection (s)(1) of this section for inspection by the agency.

(q) Alternative processing systems. Users of daylight processing systems, laser processors, self-processing film units, or other alternative processing systems shall follow manufacturer's recommendations for image processing. Documentation that the registrant is following manufacturer's recommendations shall include the date and initials of the individual completing the document and shall be maintained at the site where performed in accordance with subsection (s)(1) of this section for inspection by the agency.

(r) Digital imaging acquisition systems. Users of digital imaging acquisition systems shall follow quality assurance/quality control protocol for image processing established by the manufacturer or, if no manufacturer's protocol is available, by the registrant. The registrant shall include the protocols, whether established by the registrant or the manufacturer, in its operating and safety procedures. The registrant shall document the frequency at which the quality assurance/quality control protocol is performed. Documentation shall include the date and initials of the individual completing the document and shall be maintained at the site where performed in accordance with subsection (s)(1) of this section for inspection by the agency.

(s) Record/document requirements for mobile services and authorized use locations.

  (1) Each registrant shall maintain the following records/documents at each site, including authorized records sites for mobile services at the time intervals specified, for inspection by the agency. The records may be maintained in electronic format.

Attached Graphic

  (2) Records required in item F of the table in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall include the following:

    (A) manufacturer's name, model and serial number;

    (B) unique identification of the calibrated dosimetry system; and

    (C) name of the individual recording the information.

  (3) Copies of the records/documents in items (A) - (D), (H), (J), and (N) - (Q) of the table in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be kept with radiation machines authorized to be used for mobile services. Mobile services with on-board film processors shall maintain the records in items (O) - (Q) of the table in paragraph (1) of this subsection, as applicable, with the processor or system for a period of no less than 1 year.

Source Note: The provisions of this §289.227 adopted to be effective May 1, 2013, 38 TexReg 1185

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