(a) Introduction. Pursuant to the authority granted
by the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act, as amended,
the Economic Development and Tourism Office in the Office of the Governor
(Office) prescribes the following rules regarding practice and procedure
before the Office. The rules promulgated under this chapter are not
applicable to local development corporations created pursuant to Texas
Civil Statutes, Article 5190.6, §4A.
(b) Delegation of authority to executive director.
Pursuant to the Act, §24(c), by adoption of this chapter, the
department has delegated to its executive director the authority to
give approval of a lease, sale, or loan agreement made under this
Act or bonds issued by a corporation or any document submitted as
provided in the Act and in accordance with this chapter; provided
that the department also reserves the right to act upon any such agreement
which has not otherwise been acted upon by the executive director.
(c) Waivers. The executive director may waive any provision
of this chapter upon a finding that the public interest would be furthered
by granting the waiver.
Source Note: The provisions of this §180.1 adopted to be effective October 13, 1981, 6 TexReg 3632; amended to be effective April 24, 1984, 9 TexReg 2017; amended to be effective March 23, 1990, 15 TexReg 1291; amended to be effective September 29, 1999, 24 TexReg 8161; amended to be effective August 5, 2012, 37 TexReg 5730 |