(B) the rate approved in §25.236 of this title (relating to Recovery of Fuel Costs) if the period until the date of the final true-up order is one year or less. (i) True-up of capacity auction proceeds. (1) For purposes of the true-up required by PURA §39.262(d)(2), and as provided for under §25.381(h)(1) of this title (relating to Capacity Auctions), the APGC shall compute the difference between the price of power obtained through the capacity auctions conducted for the years 2002 and 2003 and the power cost projections for the same time period as used in the determination of ECOM for that utility in the proceeding under PURA §39.201. The difference shall be calculated according to the following formula: (ECOM market revenues - ECOM fuel costs) - ((capacity auction price x total 2002 and 2003 busbar sales) - actual 2002 and 2003 fuel costs). For purposes of this paragraph: (A) "ECOM market revenues" shall be the sum of rows 12 through 14 for the years 2002 and 2003 in the "Plant Economics" worksheet of the ECOM model underlying the commission-approved ECOM estimate in the company's UCOS proceeding; (B) "ECOM fuel costs" shall be the sum of rows 33 through 35 for the years 2002 and 2003 in the "Cost Partition" worksheet of the ECOM model underlying the commission-approved ECOM estimate in the company's UCOS proceeding; (C) The "capacity auction price" shall be the APGC's total capacity auction revenues derived from the capacity auctions conducted for the years 2002 and 2003 divided by that APGC's total MWh sales of capacity auction products for the years 2002 and 2003. (2) If, as a result of not having participated in capacity auctions pursuant to §25.381(h)(1) of this title, an APGC is unable to determine a company-specific capacity auction price, the APGC may request in its true-up application a method using prevailing capacity auction prices from other APGCs for the calculation in paragraph (1) of this subsection. (j) True-up of PTB revenues. This subsection specifies how the PTB will be compared to prevailing market prices pursuant to PURA §39.262(e). For purposes of this subsection, the term "small commercial customer" does not include unmetered lighting accounts unless such an account has historically been treated as a separate customer for billing purposes. (1) An AREP is not required to perform the reconciliation described in PURA §39.262(e) for the residential or small commercial customer class if the commission has determined that the AREP has reached the applicable 40% threshold requirements prior to January 1, 2004, pursuant to filing requirements listed in §25.41(l) of this title (relating to Price to Beat) applicable to that class. (2) If an AREP has not reached the applicable 40% threshold requirements prior to January 1, 2004, for either the residential or the small commercial class, or both, the net PTB for each such class must be compared to the market price of electricity for that class in the TDU region for the period January 1, 2002 through January 1, 2004 as provided in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection. (3) The independent third party shall compute the difference between the residential net PTB and the residential market price of electricity on the last day of each calendar-year quarter for the years 2002 and 2003. The price differential for each quarter shall be multiplied by the total kWh consumed by residential PTB customers of the AREP for that quarter. The results shall be summed over the eight quarters within the period from January 1, 2002 through January 1, 2004. (4) The independent third party shall compute the difference between the small commercial net PTB and the small commercial market price of electricity on the last day of each calendar-year quarter for the years 2002 and 2003. The price differential for each quarter shall be multiplied by the total kWh consumed by small commercial PTB customers of the AREP for that quarter. The results shall be summed over the eight quarters within the period from January 1, 2002 through January 1, 2004. (5) For each of the residential and small commercial classes, the AREP shall credit the TDU the lesser of the amounts calculated in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph: (A) $150 multiplied by (the difference between the number of residential or small commercial customers, as applicable, in the TDU Region taking PTB service from the AREP on January 1, 2004 and the number of residential or small commercial customers, as applicable, outside the TDU region being served by the AREP on January 1, 2004, provided that such customers are not receiving POLR service from the AREP); or (B) the total differential between the net PTB and the market price of electricity calculated for the applicable class under paragraph (3) or (4) of this subsection. (6) All REPs shall provide information to the independent third party as needed for the performance of calculations set forth in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subsection. All data used in the calculations performed by the independent third party will remain confidential but shall be subject to audit by the commission. (7) The functions of the independent third party shall be funded by the AREPs through one or more assessments made by the commission. (k) Regulatory assets. To the extent that any amount of regulatory assets included in a TC or CTC exceeds the amount of regulatory assets approved in a rate order which became effective on or before September 1, 1999, the commission shall conduct a review during the true-up proceeding to determine any such amounts that were not appropriately calculated or that did not constitute reasonable and necessary costs. In addition, to the extent that any amount of regulatory assets approved for securitization in a commission financing order was not subsequently included in an issuance of transition bonds, that amount of regulatory assets shall be included in the TDU/APGC true-up balance under subsection (l) of this section. (l) TDU/APGC True-up balance. (1) The formula to establish the true-up balance between the TDU and APGC is shown in the following table. TDUs described in subsection (d)(3) of this section and their APGCs shall insert zero for all inputs in this equation except the input entitled "Final fuel balance calculated pursuant to subsection (h)." Attached Graphic (2) For TDUs described in subsection (d)(2) of this section, the TDU/APGC true-up balance shall be compared to projected stranded costs as provided in subparagraphs (A) - (C) of this paragraph. For TDUs described in subsection (d)(3) of this section, the TDU/APGC true-up balance shall be treated as provided in subparagraph (D) of this paragraph. (A) If the TDU/APGC true-up balance is positive, and greater than projected stranded costs, then the commission shall increase the CTC (or establish a CTC, if no CTC has previously been approved for the utility), extend the time for the collection of the CTC, or both, to enable the TDU to collect the TDU/APGC true-up balance. The utility may seek to securitize any or all of the amounts determined under this subparagraph under PURA Chapter 39, Subchapter G. (B) If the TDU/APGC true-up balance is positive, but less than projected stranded costs, then the commission shall reduce nonbypassable delivery rates in the amount of the difference by: (i) reducing any CTC established under PURA §39.201; (ii) reversing, in whole or in part, the depreciation expense that has been redirected under PURA §39.256; (iii) reducing the TDU's rates; or (iv) any combination of clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) of this subparagraph. (C) If the TDU/APGC true-up balance is negative, then (i) any CTC established under PURA §39.201 shall be eliminated; (ii) net mitigation shall be reversed until exhausted or until a zero true-up balance is achieved, and the amount of net mitigation reversed shall be returned to ratepayers by the APGC through an excess mitigation credit; and (iii) if net mitigation is exhausted and some amount of the negative true-up balance remains, then for companies that have securitized regulatory assets, a negative CTC shall be established based upon the lesser of the absolute value of the remaining negative true-up balance or the securitization amount on which any TCs are based. If the company has been issued a financing order by the commission authorizing the securitization of regulatory assets but securitization has not yet occurred, then the negative CTC will be implemented at the time the securitization bonds are issued. If the company has not received a financing order from the commission authorizing securitization of regulatory assets, then no negative CTC shall be established for purposes of this subsection. Cont'd... |