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RULE §3.15Surface Equipment Removal Requirements and Inactive Wells

    (C) notify the operator that it has 90 days from the expiration of its most recently approved organization report to comply with the requirements of this section.

  (4) If, after the expiration of the 90-day period specified in paragraph (3)(C) of this subsection, the Commission or its delegate determines that the operator remains out of compliance with the requirements of this section, the Commission delegate shall mail the operator a written notice of this determination. The operator may request a hearing. If the operator fails to timely file a request for hearing and the required hearing fee, the Commission shall enter an order denying the plugging extension request and denying renewal of the operator's organization report without further notice or opportunity for hearing.

  (5) To request a hearing, the operator must file a written request for hearing and the hearing fee of $4,500 with the Hearings Division, no later than 30 days from the date the written notice was mailed to the operator. In the request for hearing, the operator must identify by its assigned American Petroleum Institute (API) number each inactive well for which the operator is seeking a hearing to contest the determination that the well remains out of compliance. At the time an operator files a request for hearing under this subsection, the operator shall provide a list of affected persons to be given notice of the hearing. Affected persons shall include the owners of the surface estate of each tract on which a well that is the subject of the hearing request is located, the director of the Commission's Enforcement Section, and the district director of each Commission district in which the wells are located. The applicant's failure to diligently prosecute a hearing requested under this subsection may result in the application being involuntarily dismissed for want of prosecution on the motion of any affected person or on the Commission's own motion.

  (6) If an operator files a timely plugging extension application that is not properly administratively denied for the reasons specified in paragraph (2) of this subsection, then the operator's previously approved organization report shall remain in effect until the Commission approves its plugging extension application or enters a final order denying the application.

(h) Revocation of extension. The Commission or its delegate may revoke an extension of the deadline for plugging an inactive well if the Commission or its delegate determines, after notice and an opportunity for a hearing, that the applicant is ineligible for the extension under the Commission's rules or orders.

(i) Removal of surface equipment for land wells inactive more than 10 years. Requirements to remove surface equipment for land wells inactive more than 10 years do not excuse an operator from compliance with all other applicable Commission rules and orders including the requirements in Chapter 4 of this title (relating to Environmental Protection).

  (1) An operator of an inactive land well must leave a clearly visible sign as required by §3.3 of this title (relating to Identification of Properties, Wells, and Tanks) at the wellhead of the well and must maintain wellhead control as required by §3.13 of this title (relating to Casing, Cementing, Drilling, and Completion Requirements).

  (2) An operator may not store surface equipment removed from an inactive land well on an active lease.

  (3) An operator may be eligible for a temporary extension of the deadline for plugging an inactive land well or a temporary exemption from the surface equipment removal requirements if the operator is unable to comply with the requirements of subsection (f)(2)(A) of this section because of safety concerns or required maintenance of the well site and the operator includes with the application a written affirmation of the facts regarding the safety concerns or maintenance.

  (4) An operator may be eligible for an extension of the deadline for plugging a well without complying with the surface equipment removal requirements for inactive land wells if the well is located on a unit or lease or in a field associated with an EOR project and the operator includes a statement in the written affirmation that the well is part of such a project. The exemption provided by this subsection applies only to the equipment associated with current and future operations of the project.

(j) Abeyance of plugging report.

  (1) An operator that files an abeyance of plugging report must:

    (A) pay an annual fee of $100 for each inactive land well covered by the report;

    (B) use Commission Form W-3X on which the operator must specify the field and the covered wells within that field; and

    (C) for each well, include a certification signed and sealed by a person licensed by the Texas Board of Professional Engineers or the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists stating that the well has:

      (i) a reasonable expectation of economic value in excess of the cost of plugging the well for the duration of the period covered by the report, based on the cost calculation for plugging an inactive well;

      (ii) a reasonable expectation of being restored to a beneficial use that will prevent waste of oil or gas resources that otherwise would not be produced if the well were plugged; and

      (iii) documentation demonstrating the basis for the affirmation of the well's future utility.

  (2) Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection, the Commission or its delegate may not transfer an abeyance of plugging report to a new operator of an existing inactive land well. The new operator of an existing inactive land well must file a new abeyance of plugging report or otherwise comply with the requirements of this subchapter not later than six months after the date the Commission or its delegate approves the new operator's request to be recognized as the operator of the well.

  (3) The Commission or its delegate may transfer an abeyance of plugging report in the event of a change of name of an operator.

(k) Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project.

  (1) An inactive well is considered to be part of an EOR project if the well is located on a unit or lease or in a field associated with a Commission-approved EOR project.

  (2) Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection, the Commission and its delegate may not transfer a statement that an inactive well is part of an EOR project to a new operator of an existing inactive well. A new operator of an existing inactive well must file a new statement stating that the well is part of such an EOR project or otherwise comply with the provisions of this section not later than six months after the date the Commission or its delegate approves the new operator's request to be recognized as the operator of the well.

  (3) The Commission or its delegate may transfer a statement that a well is part of an EOR project in the event of a change of name of an operator.

(l) Fluid level or hydraulic pressure test for inactive wells more than 25 years old.

  (1) At least three days prior to the test, the operator must give the district office notice of the date and approximate time the operator intends to conduct a fluid level or hydraulic pressure test. The district office may require that a test be witnessed by a Commission employee. The district office may allow an operator to conduct a test even if notice of the test is provided to the district office fewer than three days prior to the test.

  (2) No operator may conduct a test other than a fluid level or hydraulic pressure test without prior approval from the district director or the director's delegate.

  (3) For each inactive well that is more than 25 years old and that has been inactive more than 10 years, the operator must perform either a fluid level test once every 12 months or a hydraulic pressure test once every five years and obtain the approval of the Commission or its delegate of the results of said tests.

  (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection, an operator may conduct a hydraulic pressure test without prior approval from the district director or the director's delegate, provided that the operator gives the district office written notice of the date and approximate time for the test at least three days prior to the time the test will be conducted; the production casing is tested to a depth of at least 250 feet below the base of usable quality water strata or 100 feet below the top of cement behind the production casing, whichever is deeper; and the minimum test pressure is greater than or equal to 250 psig for a period of at least 30 minutes.

  (5) Using Commission Form H-15, each operator must file in the Commission's Austin office the results of a successful fluid level test within 30 days of the date the test was performed. The results, if approved, are valid for a period of one year from the date of the test. Upon request by the Commission or its delegate, the operator must file the actual test data.


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