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RULE §510.41Facility Functions and Services

  (2) The facility shall have a system of coding and indexing medical records. The system shall allow for timely retrieval by diagnosis and procedure, in order to support medical care evaluation studies.

  (3) The facility shall adopt, implement, and enforce a policy to ensure that the facility complies with Health and Safety Code, §576.005 (relating to Confidentiality of Records) and Chapter 611, (relating to Mental Health Records).

  (4) The medical record shall contain information to justify admission and continued hospitalization, support the diagnosis, and describe the patient's progress and response to medications and services. Medical records shall be accurately written, promptly completed, properly filed and retained, and accessible.

  (5) The facility shall use a system of author identification and record maintenance that ensures the integrity of the authentication and protects the security of all entries to the records.

    (A) The author of each entry shall be identified and shall authenticate his or her entry.

    (B) Authentication shall include signatures, written initials, or computer entry.

    (C) Use of signature stamps by physicians may be allowed in facilities when the signature stamp is authorized by the individual whose signature the stamp represents. The administrative offices of the facility shall have on file a signed statement to the effect that he or she is the only one who has the stamp and uses it. Delegation of use to another individual shall not be acceptable.

    (D) A list of computer codes and written signatures shall be readily available and shall be maintained under adequate safeguards.

    (E) Signatures by facsimile shall be acceptable. If received on a thermal machine, the facsimile document shall be copied onto regular paper.

  (6) Medical records (reports and printouts) shall be retained by the facility in their original or legally reproduced form for a period of at least ten years. Films, scans, and other image records shall be retained for a period of at least five years. For retention purposes, medical records that shall be preserved for ten years include:

    (A) identification data;

    (B) the medical history of the patient;

    (C) evidence of a physical examination and psychiatric evaluation;

    (D) admitting diagnosis;

    (E) diagnostic and therapeutic orders;

    (F) properly executed informed consent forms for procedures and treatments specified by the medical staff, or by federal or state laws if applicable, to require written patient consent;

    (G) treatment plans;

    (H) clinical observations, including the results of therapy and treatment, all orders, nursing notes, medication records, vital signs, and other information necessary to monitor the patient's condition;

    (I) reports of procedures, tests, and their results, including laboratory, pathology, and radiology reports;

    (J) results of all consultative evaluations of the patient and appropriate findings by clinical and other staff involved in the care of the patient;

    (K) discharge summary with outcome of hospitalization, disposition of care, and provisions for follow-up care; and

    (L) final diagnosis with completion of medical records within 30 calendar days following discharge.

  (7) If a patient was less than 18 years of age at the time he was last treated, the facility may authorize the disposal of those medical records relating to the patient on or after the date of his 20th birthday or on or after the 10th anniversary of the date on which he was last treated, whichever date is later.

  (8) The facility shall not destroy medical records that relate to any matter that is involved in litigation if the facility knows the litigation has not been finally resolved.

  (9) If a licensed facility should close, the facility shall notify the department at the time of closure the disposition of the medical records, including the location of where the medical records will be stored and the identity and telephone number of the custodian of the records.

(h) Medical staff.

  (1) The medical staff shall be composed of physicians and may also be composed of podiatrists, dentists and other practitioners appointed by the governing body.

    (A) The medical staff shall periodically conduct appraisals of its members according to medical staff bylaws.

    (B) The medical staff shall examine credentials of candidates for medical staff membership and make recommendations to the governing body on the appointment of the candidate.

  (2) The medical staff shall be well-organized and accountable to the governing body for the quality of the medical care provided to patients.

    (A) The medical staff shall be organized in a manner approved by the governing body.

    (B) If the medical staff has an executive committee, a majority of the members of the committee shall be doctors of medicine or osteopathy.

    (C) Records of medical staff meetings shall be maintained.

    (D) The responsibility for organization and conduct of the medical staff shall be assigned only to an individual physician.

    (E) Each medical staff member shall sign a statement signifying they will abide by medical staff and hospital policies.

  (3) The medical staff shall adopt, implement, and enforce bylaws, rules, and regulations to carry out its responsibilities. The bylaws shall:

    (A) be approved by the governing body;

    (B) include a statement of the duties and privileges of each category of medical staff (e.g., active, courtesy, consultant);

    (C) describe the organization of the medical staff;

    (D) describe the qualifications to be met by a candidate in order for the medical staff to recommend that the candidate be appointed by the governing body; and

    (E) include criteria for determining the privileges to be granted and a procedure for applying the criteria to individuals requesting privileges.

(i) Mobile, transportable, and relocatable units. If the facility provides diagnostic procedures or treatments in mobile, transportable, or relocatable units, the facility shall adopt, implement and enforce procedures which address the potential emergency needs for those inpatients who are taken to mobile units on the facility premises for diagnostic procedures or treatment.

(j) Nurse staffing.

  (1) The hospital shall establish a nurse staffing committee as a standing committee of the hospital. As used in this subsection, "committee" or "staffing committee" means a nurse staffing committee established under this paragraph.

    (A) The committee shall be composed of:

      (i) at least 60% registered nurses who are involved in direct patient care at least 50% of their work time and selected by their peers who provide direct care during at least 50% of their work time;

      (ii) members who are representative of the types of nursing services provided at the hospital; and

      (iii) the chief nursing officer of the hospital who is a voting member.

    (B) Participation on the committee by a hospital employee as a committee member shall be part of the employee's work time and the hospital shall compensate that member for that time accordingly. The hospital shall relieve the committee member of other work duties during committee meetings.

     (C) The committee shall meet at least quarterly.

     (D) The responsibilities of the committee shall be to:

      (i) develop and recommend to the hospital's governing body a nurse staffing plan that meets the requirements of paragraph (2) of this subsection;

      (ii) review, assess and respond to staffing concerns expressed to the committee;

       (iii) identify the nurse-sensitive outcome measures the committee will use to evaluate the effectiveness of the official nurse services staffing plan;

      (iv) evaluate, at least semiannually, the effectiveness of the official nurse services staffing plan and variations between the plan and the actual staffing; and

      (v) submit to the hospital's governing body, at least semiannually, a report on nurse staffing and patient care outcomes, including the committee's evaluation of the effectiveness of the official nurse services staffing plan and aggregate variations between the staffing plan and actual staffing.

  (2) The hospital shall adopt, implement and enforce a written official nurse services staffing plan. As used in this subsection, "patient care unit" means a unit or area of a hospital in which registered nurses provide patient care.

    (A) The official nurse services staffing plan and policies shall:


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