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RULE §31.3Definitions

  (35) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)--The organization designated or redesignated by the governor under 23 U.S.C. §134 as the responsible entity for transportation planning in urbanized areas over 50,000 in population.

  (36) Mobility management--Eligible capital expenses consisting of short-range planning and management activities and projects for improving coordination among public transportation and other transportation-service providers carried out by a recipient or subrecipient through an agreement entered into with a person, including a government entity, under 49 U.S.C. §5301 et seq. (other than §5309 and §5339). Mobility management excludes operating public transportation services and excludes equipment, tires, tubes, material, and reconstruction of equipment and material described as associated capital maintenance in the definition of "capital project" under 49 U.S.C. §5302.

  (37) Net operating expenses--Those expenses that remain after fare box revenues are subtracted from eligible operating expenses.

  (38) New public transportation services or alternatives--An activity that, with respect to the New Freedom program:

    (A) is targeted toward people with disabilities;

    (B) is beyond the ADA requirements;

    (C) meets the intent of the program by removing barriers to transportation and assisting persons with disabilities with transportation, including transportation to and from jobs and employment services; and

    (D) is not included in a Transportation Improvement Program or Statewide Transportation Improvement Program prior to August 10, 2005.

  (39) Nonprofit organization--A corporation or association determined by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to be an organization described by 26 U.S.C. §501(c), one that is exempt from taxation under 26 U.S.C. §504(a) or §101, or one that has been determined under state law to be nonprofit and for which the state has received documentation certifying the status of the organization.

  (40) Nonurbanized area--An area outside an urbanized area.

  (41) Obligated funds--Monies made available under a valid, unexpired contract or grant agreement between the department and a public transportation subrecipient.

  (42) Private--Pertaining to nonpublic entities. This definition does not include municipalities or other political subdivisions of the state; public agencies or instrumentalities of one or more states; Native American tribes (except private nonprofit corporations formed by Native American tribes); public corporations, boards, or commissions established under the law of any state; or entities subject to control by public authority, whether state or municipal.

  (43) Project--The public transportation activities to be carried out by a subrecipient, as described in its application for funding.

  (44) Public transportation--Shared-ride transportation of passengers and their hand-carried packages or baggage on a regular or continuing basis by means of surface or water conveyance by a governmental entity or by a private entity if the private entity receives financial assistance for that conveyance from any governmental entity. This definition includes fixed guideway transportation and underground transportation. This definition excludes services provided by aircraft, ambulances, emergency vehicles, intercity passenger rail transportation, charter bus service, school bus service, sightseeing service, courtesy shuttle service for patrons of one or more specific establishments, or intra-terminal and intra-facility shuttle services.

  (45) Public transportation agency safety plan--The documented comprehensive agency safety plan for a transit provider that is required by 49 U.S.C. §5329.

  (46) Real property--Land, including improvements, structures, and appurtenances, but excluding movable machinery and equipment.

  (47) Revenue service--Passenger transportation occurring when a vehicle is available to the general public and there is a reasonable expectation of carrying passengers that directly pay fares, are subsidized by public policy, or provide payment through some contractual agreement. This does not imply that a cash fare must be paid. Vehicles operated in free fare services are considered in revenue service.

  (48) Revenue vehicle--The rolling stock used in providing transit service for passengers. This definition does not include a vehicle used in connection with keeping revenue vehicles in operation, such as a tow truck or a staff car.

  (49) Reverse commute project--A public transportation project designed to transport residents of urbanized areas and other than urbanized areas to suburban employment opportunities, or as otherwise defined by 49 U.S.C. §5302 or 49 U.S.C. §5316, the Job Access and Reverse Commute program as established under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users.

  (50) Ridership--Unlinked passenger trips.

  (51) Rural area--A nonurbanized area.

  (52) Rural transit district--A political subdivision of the state that provides and coordinates rural public transportation within its boundaries in accordance with the provisions of Transportation Code, Chapter 458.

  (53) Safety assurance--Processes within a transit provider's safety management system that functions to ensure the implementation and effectiveness of safety risk mitigation, and to ensure that the transit agency meets or exceeds its safety objectives through the collection, analysis, and assessment of information.

  (54) Safety management policy--A transit providers documented commitment to safety that defines the transit agency's safety objectives and the accountabilities and responsibilities of its employees in regard to safety.

  (55) Safety promotion--A combination of training and communication of safety information to support safety risk management as applied to the transit agency's public transportation system.

  (56) Safety risk management--A process within a transit agency's public transportation agency safety plan for identifying hazards and analyzing, assessing, and mitigating safety risks.

  (57) Senior--An individual who is 65 years of age or older.

  (58) Small public transportation provider--A recipient or subrecipient of federal financial assistance under 49 U.S.C. §5307 that has 100 or fewer vehicles in peak revenue service and does not operate a rail fixed guideway public transportation system.

  (59) Small urban transit district--A local governmental entity or a political subdivision of the state that provides and coordinates public transportation within an urbanized area with a population less than 200,000 in accordance with Transportation Code, Chapter 458. This definition includes urban transportation providers under Transportation Code, Chapter 456, that received state money through the department on September 1, 1994. This definition excludes authorities.

  (60) Stakeholders--All individuals or groups that are potentially affected by transportation decisions. Examples include public health, work force, and human service agencies; representatives of transportation agency employees or other affected employees; private providers of transportation; non-governmental agencies; local businesses; advocates for persons in diverse and traditionally underserved communities, such as seniors, individuals with disabilities, and persons with low incomes; and other interested parties.

  (61) Subrecipient--An entity that receives state or federal transportation funding from the department, rather than directly from FTA or other state or federal funding source.

  (62) Uniform grant and contract management standards--The standards contained in the Texas Administrative Code, Title 1, Chapter 5, Subchapter A, concerning uniform grant and contract management standards for state agencies.

  (63) U.S. DOT--United States Department of Transportation.

  (64) Unlinked passenger trips--The number of passengers who board public transportation vehicles. A passenger is counted each time the passenger boards a vehicle even though the passenger might be on the same journey from origin to destination.

  (65) Urban transit district--A local governmental entity or a political subdivision of the state that provides and coordinates public transportation within an urbanized area in accordance with Transportation Code, Chapter 458. This definition includes urban transportation providers under Transportation Code, Chapter 456, that received state money through the department on September 1, 1994. This definition excludes authorities.

  (66) Urbanized area--A core area and the surrounding densely populated area with a population of 50,000 or more, with boundaries fixed by the United States Census Bureau.


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