(a) The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
assigns priorities for reports of abuse and neglect based on the assessment
of the immediacy of the risk and the severity of the possible harm
to the child. Prior to initiating an investigation, we will review
the intake report to determine if the initial priority and action
recommended is appropriate or must be updated.
(1) Priority I reports concern children who appear
to face an immediate risk of abuse or neglect that could result in
death or serious harm.
(2) Priority II reports are all other reports of abuse
or neglect that are not assigned a Priority I.
(b) Subject to the availability of funds, we must:
(1) Immediately respond to a report of abuse or neglect
that is assigned a Priority I and involves circumstances in which
the death of the child or substantial bodily harm to the child will
imminently result unless we immediately intervene;
(2) Within 24 hours respond to a report of abuse or
neglect that is assigned a Priority I, other than a report described
in paragraph (1) of this subsection, by initiating an investigation;
(3) Within 72 hours respond to a report of abuse or
neglect that is assigned a Priority II by initiating an investigation
or, pursuant to Texas Family Code §261.3015, by forwarding the
report to specialized screening staff.