(a) General requirements.
(1) Operators shall give immediate notice of a fire,
leak, spill, or break to the appropriate commission district office
by telephone or telegraph. Such notice shall be followed by a letter
giving the full description of the event, and it shall include the
volume of crude oil, gas, geothermal resources, other well liquids,
or associated products lost.
(2) All operators of any oil wells, gas wells, geothermal
wells, pipelines receiving tanks, storage tanks, or receiving and
storage receptacles into which crude oil, gas, or geothermal resources
are produced, received, stored, or through which oil, gas, or geothermal
resources are piped or transported, shall immediately notify the commission
by letter, giving full details concerning all fires which occur at
oil wells, gas wells, geothermal wells, tanks, or receptacles owned,
operated, or controlled by them or on their property, and all such
persons shall immediately report all tanks or receptacles struck by
lightning and any other fire which destroys crude oil, natural gas,
or geothermal resources, or any of them, and shall immediately report
by letter any breaks or leaks in or from tanks or other receptacles
and pipelines from which oil, gas, or geothermal resources are escaping
or have escaped. In all such reports of fires, breaks, leaks, or escapes,
or other accidents of this nature, the location of the well, tank,
receptacle, or line break shall be given by county, survey, and property,
so that the exact location thereof can be readily located on the
ground. Such report shall likewise specify what steps have been taken
or are in progress to remedy the situation reported and shall detail
the quantity (estimated, if no accurate measurement can be obtained,
in which case the report shall show that the same is an estimate)
of oil, gas, or geothermal resources, lost, destroyed, or permitted
to escape. In case any tank or receptacle is permitted to run over,
the escape thus occurring shall be reported as in the case of a leak.
(Reference Order Number 20-60,399, effective 9-24-70.)
(b) The report hereby required as to oil losses shall
be necessary only in case such oil loss exceeds five barrels in the
(c) Any operation with respect to the pickup of pipeline
break oil shall be done subject to the following provisions. The
provisions hereafter set out shall not apply to the picking up and
the returning of pipeline break oil to the pipeline from which it
escaped either at the place of the pipeline break, or at the nearest
pipeline station to the break where facilities are available to return
such oil to the pipeline; provided, that such operations are conducted
by the pipeline operator at the time of the pipeline break and its
repair; provided, further, that such authority as is herein granted
for the picking up of pipeline break oil shall not relieve the operator
of such pipeline of notifying the commission of such pipeline break,
and the furnishing to the commission of the information required by
the provisions set out in subsection (a) of this section for reporting
such pipeline breaks.
(1) Any person desiring to pick up, reclaim, or salvage
pipeline break oil, other than as provided in this subsection, shall
obtain in writing a permit before commencing operations. All applications
for permits to pick up, reclaim, or salvage such oil shall be made
in writing under oath to the district office.
(2) Applications to pick up, reclaim, or salvage pipeline
break oil shall state the location of such oil, the location of the
break in the pipeline causing the leakage of such oil, the name of
the pipeline, the owner thereof, and the date of the break.
(3) Pipeline break oil that is not returned to the
pipeline from which it escaped shall be offered to the applicant to
reclaim by the operator of such pipeline but shall be charged to
such pipeline stock account.