The following words and terms, when used in this division,
have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates
(1) DARS--The Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative
(2) Economically Disadvantaged Person--An eligible
HUB owner as defined in 34 TAC §20.11 (relating to Definitions)
whose business has not exceeded the graduation size standards established
by 34 TAC §20.23 (relating to Graduation Procedures).
(3) Good-Faith Effort (GFE)--A procurement effort in
which prime contractors take certain steps to promote inclusion of
HUBs in contracts with an expected value of $100,000 or more as defined
in 34 TAC §20.13 (relating to Statewide Annual HUB Utilization
Goals) and §20.14 (relating to Subcontracts). When applied to
agency GFE, the state auditor considers whether the agency has adopted
rules under §2161.003, Government Code; has used the Texas Comptroller
of Public Accounts, Texas Procurement and Support Services directory
and other resources to identify HUBs that are able to contract with
the agency; has made good-faith, timely efforts to contact identified
HUBs regarding contracting opportunities; has conducted its procurement
program in accordance with the good-faith methods set out in the comptroller's
rules; and has established agency specific goals for contracting with
HUBs in each procurement category based on scheduled fiscal year expenditures,
the availability of HUBs in each category, the agency's historic utilization
of HUBs, and other relevant factors as determined by rules adopted
under §2161.002, Government Code.
(4) Historically Underutilized Business (HUB)--A business
entity as defined in 34 TAC §20.11 that is certified by the State
of Texas and has not exceeded the size standards established by 34
TAC §20.23 with its principal place of business in Texas.
(5) HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP)--a written plan regarding
the use of subcontractors that must be submitted with all responses
to agency contracts with an expected value of $100,000 or more where
subcontracting opportunities have been determined by the agency to
be probable as defined in 34 TAC §20.13 and §20.14.