§343.1 |
Definitions |
§343.2 |
Denial of a License and Disciplinary Actions by the Board |
§343.5 |
Licensure of Persons with Substance Abuse or Addiction |
§343.6 |
Other Grounds for Denial of a License or Discipline of a Licensee |
§343.7 |
Gross Negligence in the Practice of Physical Therapy |
§343.8 |
Licensure of Persons with a History of Voluntary or Involuntary Psychiatric Hospitalization |
§343.9 |
Licensure of Persons with Criminal Convictions |
§343.20 |
Subpoenas |
§343.21 |
Witness Fees and Expenses |
§343.22 |
Service of Notice |
§343.23 |
Hearings |
§343.24 |
Payment of Penalties after a Contested Case Hearing Resulting in the Discipline of a Licensee or the Denial of an Application for License |
§343.26 |
Commutation of Time |
§343.27 |
Probation |
§343.28 |
Records Retention Schedule |
§343.29 |
Failure To Appear at Informal Settlement Conference or Hearing |
§343.35 |
Complaint Investigation and Disposition |
§343.36 |
Filing and Receipt of Complaints |
§343.40 |
Informal Conference |
§343.41 |
Agreed Orders |
§343.42 |
Commencement of Disciplinary Proceedings |
§343.48 |
Dismissal of Complaint |
§343.49 |
Disposal of Complaints |
§343.50 |
Request for Reinstatement of License |
§343.51 |
Evaluation for Reinstatement |
§343.52 |
Procedure upon Request for Reinstatement |
§343.53 |
Board Action upon Reinstatement of Revoked or Voluntarily Surrendered License |
§343.54 |
Reinstatement of Suspended License |
§343.55 |
Failure To Appear |
§343.56 |
Monitoring of Licensees |